Essentials for Goddesses

Hello Reader,

Those of you who have taken Reiki 1 & 2 training from me, what is keeping you from joining in on the Reiki flow sessions?

  • Are you not on the text list that I send out? Reply here saying that you want on the list and I'll add you ASAP.
  • Did you not know that it is available to you? Now you know, let me know if you want to be on the list.
  • Maybe you took Reiki from someone else? Yes, you are welcome too!

Interested to know what I am talking about? Well, my Reiki flow group is made up of people who have had Reiki training and are at level 2 or above. It is an online gathering of Reiki lovers where we continue to shine in our personal wellbeing, because we all know that if we don't take care of ourselves then how can we help others?! We all share Reiki together.

Is it time to know what makes my Reiki training soooooo much different than everyone else who teaches Reiki? Besides my goofy ways, of course.

  1. My trainings are one-on-one or semi-private: I give you the individualized attention you need and deserve to ensure your competency in Reiki is epic.
  2. Real-world training: I love teaching you how to use Reiki in the real world, not just in a classroom setting. Are you a teacher, a real estate agent, a creative space maker or a ceremony poet? Let's rock your real world into thriving today and tomorrow.
  3. Unique teaching methods: My unique teaching methods, which are based on my own personal experiences and insights over the past 28 wonderful years are merged with, 'whatever your chosen theme' is, giving you one powerful creative experience.
  4. I'll guide you to focus on your own personal version of growth: I go beyond teaching you the mechanics of Reiki and focus on your personal version of growth and your super epic ways.
  5. Love your inner muse: I'll help you to let go of perfectionism so your creative flow becomes easy.
  6. I guide you in getting off of that stupid treadmill you sooo dislike!

I want you to succeed and thrive.

To learn more about my Reiki 1 & 2 training feel free to Call Me (yep, think of Debbie Harry right now too).

You may also visit

My creative friends, I'm here to help your inspiration shine.

Clear your mind, and see the world fresh and new.

Dance and connect to your inner muse,

And tap into your soul.

Let your creativity take control.

And through the dense forest, you will find you.

Our sorrow and wounds are healed only when

we touch them with compassion – Buddha

I'd like to leave you with a short guided meditation to enjoy. Bring it into your ceremony, into your day, radiate it from your life💙

Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Imagine that you are standing at the edge of a dense forest. The trees are tall and majestic, their branches reaching up to the sky.

Take a deep breath and smell the fresh air. It is filled with the scent of pine needles and wildflowers.

Step into the forest and begin to walk. The path is narrow and winding, but you can easily follow it.

As you walk, notice the beauty of the forest around you. The sunlight filters through the trees, creating a dappled pattern on the ground.

Stand for a moment and breathe in, and out. Breathe in and out.

You hear the sound of birds singing in the trees and the rustle of leaves dancing upon the breeze.

Feel the soft ground beneath your feet and the cool air on your skin.

Continue to walk, deeper and deeper into the forest where the comfort of the forest nurtures your inner calm.

As you walk, you feel yourself becoming more calm and centered. You are surrounded by the beauty of nature and the peace of the forest.

You come to a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing is a large tree. You walk over to the tree and sit down at its base.

Breathe in the creativity, and breathe out fears and doubts.

You place your hands on the tree trunk and close your eyes.

Feel the energy of the tree flowing through you. It is a warm and loving energy that fills you with peace and tranquility.

Spend a few minutes simply connecting with the tree and receiving its love.

When you are ready, slowly stand up.

Take a deep breath and smell the fresh air.

Thank the tree for its energy and for sharing its beauty with you.

Slowly turn and walk back out of the forest, my friend.

As you walk, you feel the comfort within your body, mind and spirit. You are refreshed and rejuvenated. You have connected with the beauty of nature and the peace within your beautiful self.

When you reach the edge of the forest, know that you have shifted into your profound creative inner sacred space. Gently begin to open your eyes and take a deep breath.

You are back in the present moment, but you will carry the peace and tranquility of the forest with you throughout your days, compounding upon inner love.

I've got some classes coming up. Sign up ASAP

Thanks so much!


P.S. Your testimonial about the products you love or us working together is a powerful tool to inspire and guide others seeking a path toward beauty and wellness from within. By sharing your journey and the positive impact my products and services have had in your life, you have the opportunity to empower others to embark on their transformative journeys. I’ve created a quick and painless way to write a testimonial if you’re willing to answer these few questions for me. Thank you!


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